Monday, August 11, 2008

Session 5 - Team Presentations

In five weeks the group have moved from nervous novice to polished presenter in the true spirit of the energetic entrepreneurs that they are!

The first thing that hit me in all four presentations was the confidence of the presenters. So I have been thinking about the factors that have led the group to this point and came up with the following list:

- participation as guests
- observation and critique of other presenters
- exploring the environment independently
- a willingness to take a chance
- trust within the group
- choosing familiar topics to present
- practice presenting
- an intention to have fun

Also interesting was that Google Groups was deathly quiet in week four, but after the presentations our presenters dived in to talk about how the experience had made them feel. All four presenters were incredibly positive and these are some of their comments:

“This session went really, really well! Thanks for listening to my

“Last night was a really good application of the megameeting platform.”

“As a host I found it a fairly easy process to navigate through.”

“…having a 'live' demonstration in the comfort of your home/office is pretty cool.”

“I realised something the other day - I love presenting!”

“In the beginning I couldn't believe it could be of any use...too technical, too much of a time waster fiddling around with settings and too impersonal - but now I am beginning to see the light.”

1 comment:

Anna Le Sueur, Owner said...

I was one of the presenters this week and although I was a little unsure of what to expect, I chose a subject I knew and something that I thought might be interesting and just sort of tried it out! I found it frustrating that people were messaging while I was talking because I didnt know if they were asking questions or not but I was busy presenting (making a bouquet of flowers) and couldnt read the screen - but the survey worked reall well and I was thrilled to see that people had actually been listening quite intently. Enough so as to be able to recall the varieties of roses they had never heard of before and were only fleetingly mentioned! All in all it was a very positive experience and from it has been born a love for presenting.