Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 4 - more tools :)

Our online session this week was a mixed bag - both in terms of technical issues and new stuff. We had ten in the meeting room, but one had outbound sound problems and another participant had webcam issues, but fortunately, everyone could hear, and communicate, so it still worked for the session. The topics were and RSS feeds and readers, and then we all watched a YouTube video on making a podcast. Actually quite a lot for one session - plus working out what works in the presentation.

Megameeting works well in the meeting room and it was good to all go and watch the same video, and then come back to discuss it. But when the presenter was working through various websites, there was a delay which slowed down the presentation, and it may be better for the future to make a Powerpoint presentation of the various screenshots. Again, it was an entertaining session, and really great to not have to drive on a cold night, and being home with a coffee, and yet also in a training session with others was a real bonus! (Mary)

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