Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our first group meeting online!

Our first online training session was run by our cool trainer from MegaMeeting (the product we have chosen to use) - and we could see and hear all 11 of us, plus Terie our trainer, in the one online meeting room. Most of the group were at their own premises, but one was outbound using a wireless system at a motel in NSW, and another initially joined the meeting using her laptop and connection while a passenger in a moving car. So that was quite something, as we could see and hear her, and also the traffic flow behind her. She soon arrived and continued from a less distracting venue, so we were able to concentrate on the session.

Our session first covered the basics of being a GUEST in the online room, and then we all were able to create our own meetings rooms as HOST so that in future, we can invite guests, and each have our own online meetings. The presentation used the feature "Show My Desktop" and how to set up an online poll. And lots of other stuff as well. It feels good to be able to see everyone in the meeting room, to use the voice over IP, and the chat window. Overall, the reactions were positive - one connection was not great as it was through a wireless network, but it still worked. I think there is now some appreciation that while its easy to be a guest in an online meeting, to really use this tool well as a host, it will take some practice. And that's what we plan to do! (Mary)

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