Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 3 - The College Perspective

I missed this session unfortunately but was interested to see the comments in Google Groups and the other Blog entries.

From discussions with Mary and participant's comments in Google Groups, what immediately struck me was how quickly and easily James seems to have adapted his face to face teaching techniques into a virtual environment. The professionalism of his presentation was mentioned more than once in Google Groups and the length of time spent in preparation was, I gather, quite minimal. This is likely to encourage participants to use Megameeting for themselves and it seems that James is a convert!

Google Groups is moving along and several people are now confidently responding to posts, however few are starting discussions. Our conversations are generally about the meeting we have just had or the meeting that is next on the agenda and I think we need to consider other topics for discussion in Google Groups in order to engage in a different way and really experience the benefits of belonging to a forum. (Ann)

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