Thursday, July 10, 2008

Session 1 - Face to Face

Google Groups is developing nicely. We have added a photo of the group and five of our nine participants are registered with Google Groups and are ready to chat online. All but two have been in other forums and are familiar with the concept of online chat which is a good start.

Our challenge is to encourage initial engagement and then to facilitate ongoing discussion. Mary has made a great start by adding a YouTube video on setting up a Blog and we will be looking for feedback on our session and ideas going forward. (Ann)


Garry Traynor said...

Hello neo cyber champs! Just a short message from a fellow technophile wishing you Good Luck in this exciting project! I will follow the progress with interest.

Garry Traynor

Queenie said...

Hi all! My first attempt to set up my own Blog.

It appears quite easy initially as you just answer a few questions to get started and pick a template. Then this is when I get a little confused as there are a lot of free form text area. Not quite sure what to put in each box as there does not appear to have instructions and I'm not quite sure where these text will end up. Umm... gotta put a bit more time into it.

Feel free to check it out later

But until I figure out what to do, it's still pretty blank :p

C u online on Wednesday. Have a good week!
